Janell Moon

Salt and Paper: 65 Candles front cover

Author’s Biography

Janell Moon is the author of four spiritual nonfiction books: Stirring the Waters: Writing to Find Your Spirit (Journey Editions), which was nominated for the Nautilis Prize as one of the five best spiritual books of 2002, The Wise Earth Speaks (RedWheelWeiser) chosen as one of the best books of 2004 by Health and Healing Magazine, The Prayer Box (book in kit), and How to Pray Without Being Religious (Elements, HarperCollinsPublishersUK).

Riding Free in a Blue Studebaker, Moon’s second book of poetry, was selected as Editor’s Choice in Main Street Rag’s 2007 national poetry contest. Arctos Press published her first book of poetry, The Mouth of Home. She is also the author of four published chapbooks, including The Speaker’s Bureau which won the 1999 Stonewall Prize and publication by Chestnut Hills Press. She has won many national poetry contests including The Salt Hill Prize by Syracuse University.

She is a graduate of Ohio University in Athens, Ohio and has a private practice as a counselor and therapist in San Francisco. She was an instructor at the Marin Community College and San Francisco City College for many years teaching counseling and writing classes. Currently, she leads a mixed media art group at a San Francisco senior home, recently formed a dream group of friends and teaches writing workshops for the San Francisco library. She teaches mixed media at Scrap in San Francisco. She has a grown son and grandson in Boulder, Colorado and is finishing a prose poem volume, Finest Skin and Freshest Organs.

She is Poet Laureate of Emeryville, California 2011-2012.


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